Who is Vigilant?


Bahr D. B., Bekoff M. 1999. Predicting flock vigilance from simple passerine interactions: modelling with cellular automata. Anim Behav 58: 831-839

Ruxton G. D.., Roberts G. 1999. Are vigilance sequences a consequence of intrinsic chaos or external changes? Anim Behav 57: 493-495.

McAdam A. G., Kramer D. L. 1998. Vigilance as a benefit of intermittent locomotion in small mammals. Anim Behav 55: 109-117.

Peuhkuri N. 1997. Size-assortative shoaling in fish: The effect of oddity on foraging behaviour. Anim Behav 54: 271-278.

Ferriere R, Cazelles B, Cezilly F, et al. 1996. Predictability and chaos in bird vigilant behaviour. Anim. Behav. 52: 457-472.


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